Educating Boys

Nestled within its rich history dating back to 1961, Whitefriars College has remained steadfast in its commitment to an all-boys’ educational approach, understanding the profound implications of catering to diverse learning styles and the nuanced needs of young men.

Central to this educational paradigm is the acknowledgment of fundamental distinctions in learning behaviours between boys and girls. Studies have revealed that boys often exhibit a predilection for spatial-mechanical functions, an inclination that propels them towards experiential, hands-on learning. However, this divergence in learning styles often presents challenges, particularly in conventional subjects like reading and writing, where boys tend to encounter difficulties. These disparities manifest in concerning statistics, including higher rates of dropout among boys, a decreased representation in university enrolments and a higher prevalence of diagnosed learning disabilities.

In response to these findings, Whitefriars College has meticulously tailored its curriculum to align with the kinetic learning preferences of boys. The introduction of the Notebook Computer program many years ago, marked a pivotal step in this educational journey. This innovative initiative provided a platform for boys to engage their gross motor skills, fostering movement and manipulation as integral components of the learning process. By infusing motion into reading and writing assignments, the school seeks to fortify comprehension and retention among its students, recognising the efficacy of active, tactile learning in enhancing academic performance.

Contrary to popular perception, an all-boys’ educational setting transcends the confines of academics, acting as a crucible for the cultivation of deeper masculinity and confidence among its students. While nurturing qualities of sensitivity, empathy, and exploration of diverse subjects, the school endeavours to broaden the horizons of its students by providing a diverse spectrum of male role models. This environment not only empowers boys to navigate their masculinity positively but also fosters an inclusive atmosphere that embraces individuality.

Beyond the confines of classrooms and textbooks, Whitefriars College places paramount importance on holistic development. The institution offers multifaceted opportunities for service, contemplation, and community engagement, cultivating a sense of responsibility and empathy within its student body. Its extensive co-curricular program, coupled with expansive grounds and facilities, not only encourages physical activity but also serves as a catalyst for personal growth and character development.

At its core, our College emphasises a nurturing and inclusive environment, where immediate feedback and a diverse pool of educators, comprising both male and female perspectives, converge to provide a well-rounded education. Furthermore, strategic partnerships with local Catholic girls’ schools enrich the educational landscape, fostering comprehensive learning experiences and promoting social integration.

Embedded within the school’s ethos is its motto, ‘Almae In Fide Parentis’ (In the Care of A Loving Mother), symbolising a profound commitment to nurturing virtues such as faith and compassion. It serves as a beacon, guiding the education imparted to cultivate respect towards females and instill in boys the values of integrity and character.

Through an unwavering dedication to refining teaching methodologies, informed by ongoing research and collaboration with leaders in boys’ education, Whitefriars College stands poised to provide an evolving, evidence-based educational experience. By continually striving to shape young boys into successful, well-rounded individuals, the school remains dedicated to its vision of becoming a leading, evidence-driven learning community for boys.