Debating Achievements and Updates 

As the regional DAV debates draw to a close, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who participated this evening at Tintern Grammar. Whether you were a debater, supporter or spectator, your presence and enthusiasm were truly appreciated. Your representation of Whitefriars and the respect you demonstrated to your peers, competitors and everyone at Tintern is commendable. TO parents, thank you for your support.

Highlights and Results

C Grade Results:

Our C Grade teams tackled the topic, “That alternative medicine (e.g., herbal remedies, hypnotherapy) should be banned.” Both teams argued the negative side, challenging the definition of ‘alternative medicine’ and advocating for its supplementary benefits to traditional practices. WFC#1, featuring Isaac, Matthew and Josh, narrowly lost to YVG by four points. Meanwhile, WFC#2, consisting of Luka, Lucas and Alex, missed out on a finals spot after a tight debate with YVG, losing by just one point. Kudos to Alex for earning the Best Speaker award!

Year 9 and 10 students—mark your calendars for the ACC Intermediate Debating Excursion on Wednesday 21August (WK6A). If you’re interested in participating, please let me know!

B Grade Result:

In an unexpected turn of events, the B Grade team was awarded a win by default as Vermont Secondary College forfeited due to a last-minute injury. A special thanks to Gabe, Sourav and Oscar for staying to support our C Grade team. A special mention goes to Oscar Harris, who stepped in at the last moment to support his peers and witness the debates.

A Grade Results:

Excitement and nerves were palpable as our A Grade teams prepared for their debates. Both teams were leading the ladder and had a chance to advance to the finals. They debated the topic, “That, as environmentalists, we would focus on personal responsibility over corporate and government responsibility,” from the negative side. Their dedication and teamwork were evident as they navigated the complexities of the topic. WFC#1 (Phillip, Jonathan and Samuel L, supported by Edward and Sam N) won against Mt Lilydale Mercy College by an impressive five points, securing a spot in the DAV Finals. WFC#2 (Joshua, Matthew and Dathen, supported by Hayden and Dominic) also emerged victorious over YVG#3 by a notable four points.

Both A Grade teams are now heading to the DAV Finals in late August. This achievement reflects their strong camaraderie, positive team culture and dedication. I am incredibly proud and impressed by their performance.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update. My commiserations to the Year 9 and 10 C Grade team who narrowly missed the finals by just one point.

Andrew Wight

Learning Leader – English / Debating Coordinator and Coach