Vision, Beliefs and Values

Whitefriars is a Catholic College which reflects the tradition of the Carmelites, who actively seek to live in God’s presence by walking in the way of Jesus Christ.

The College provides a Catholic Education for boys where excellence is valued and all are challenged to achieve their best.

This education aims to empower young men to live with integrity through experiences of community and prayer and through a sensitivity to justice. It assists them to take their place in a contemporary, global society as valued individuals, alive with the wisdom of the Gospel.

We live our motto Almae In Fide Parentis (‘In the Care of a Loving Mother’).

Our Beliefs and Values

We Belong to a Whitefriars community that:

  • embodies a belief in the Catholic faith that has Christ as its centre
  • takes inspiration from Carmelite spirituality
  • values and respects the richness of the land and the people who came before us
  • develops skills for lifelong learning
  • nurtures and celebrates the diverse gifts and unique contributions of each individual
  • values collaboration and fosters positive, supportive relationships

We Believe in a Whitefriars community that:

  • celebrates God’s presence through prayer and the Eucharist
  • forms its students in the tradition of the Catholic and Carmelite ethos
  • instils a sense of social justice, service and an understanding of the common good
  • provides opportunities for spiritual, social, intellectual, emotional and physical growth
  • acknowledges and fosters the faith and learning journey of each individual
  • values excellence and encourages all to reach their potential
  • provides a holistic education through a broad and vibrant curriculum
  • challenges and develops all through diverse and enriching curricular and co-curricular pathways

We Become a Whitefriars community that:

  • forms ‘Gentle men’ of compassion, service and tolerance grounded in Catholic faith and Carmelite tradition
  • develops young men with active and creative minds and with the courage to act on their beliefs
  • challenges all to be active participants in the learning process
  • fosters a sense of understanding and compassion for others
  • encourages all to live with integrity and contribute positively to a global society
  • engenders a sense of self-worth, confidence and wisdom in each individual
  • contributes to the development of a just and sustainable world.

Whitefriars Community as Global Citizens
We understand that we have a responsibility, as part of an international community, to promote tolerance and respect throughout the world.
As global citizens we are culturally aware, respect the traditions of others and value social justice, diversity and the environment.
Our Catholic faith nourishes our inclusive community as we live out our Carmelite tradition aiming to achieve a peaceful, sustainable future and dignity for all.


Global Citizens Statement