At Whitefriars we offer a secondary education which is built on the foundation of the Carmelite tradition, of being aware of the Presence of God in everyday things, or walking in the Presence of God.
The boys share in the charism of the Carmelite values – of love, respect, tolerance, compassion, community and service. Represented in the College motto ‘Almae In Fide Parentis’ (In the care of a loving Mother), the school’s Carmelite tradition, together with the Whitefriars Mission Statement – Belong, Believe and Become provide a nurturing environment for the boys to learn and do their best, achieving their full potential. These values and tradition set us apart – Whitefriars is the only Carmelite College in Australia. We are proud of our heritage and also of the gentle men who leave us at the end of their secondary schooling. We adopt a holistic approach to their education, endeavoring to develop the students in all areas of their lives producing responsible, generous and capable men. The spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional grounding that students receive during their Whitefriars years, results in students who are happy in themselves, healthy in their relationships, confident in their abilities and ready to pursue success in all aspects of their lives.
Our Vertical Pastoral Care system is a highly successful component. The boys are provided the opportunity to build relationships between different year levels, each morning before their formal lessons commence. They are provided with emotional and spiritual support from peers of all ages and dedicated Pastoral Care staff.
Our physical environment is ideal for academic learning as well as co-curricular activities. Situated in a beautiful, tranquil, natural bushland setting of 19 hectares, it is one of the largest sites of any Catholic College in Melbourne and provides the basis for rich and extended learning.
We have a commitment to continuous improvement in learning, personal development, facilities and resources. We have a leading edge personal computer program, providing powerful tools for teaching and learning. Students each have their own tablet computer; a multi-purpose tool for research, productivity, communication, presentation, reflection and organisation. The use of tablet computers is appropriately integrated into a student’s day to day work, further engaging the boys in their learning. We encourage students to inquire, explore, experiment and communicate within and beyond the classroom, creating, refining, sharing, critiquing and presenting ideas, clearly, effectively and efficiently often through the use of their tablet computer. We have made a substantial shift in our emphasis on technology – from learning to use technology to using technology to learn. There are many advantages of providing students with their own portable learning and communication tools including an increasing number of textbooks being replaced by electronic texts and online resources.
In addition to our core curriculum we offer a vast array of camps and programs such as the Year 7 Transition camp, Outdoor Learning Program, Kairos Retreat, Leadership camps, Sporting camps, Languages and associated international travel programs. Co-curricular activities, include the Instrumental Music Program, Ensemble Program, drama and musical productions, debating, chess and environmental action. All activities reflect our desire to nurture and promote the health and physical/mental development of all students.
We provide a diverse academic, sporting, cultural, environmental, and spiritual curriculum which is supported by caring and nurturing values and traditions in a safe environment. Our specialised staff inspire students to strive towards high personal achievement, developing confidence and direction for the future.
There are challenges aplenty when negotiating your teenage years but the Whitefriars community and sense of spirit ensures you have somewhere where you feel at ease and belong, while also allowing you to believe you can become what you want and achieve your dreams.
Mr Jon Pierik – Sports Journalist, The Age (Class of 1993)