Accreditation – Council of International Schools (CIS)

Whitefriars recently undertook our reaccreditation process with the Council of International Schools (CIS). Having first achieved accreditation in 2017, the process culminated with our CIS Evaluation visit between 29 April and 3 May.

The CIS Evaluation involved hosting a 7 member CIS Accreditation Team of experienced educators. The role of the CIS Team was to support the final stages of the College’s Self-Study process, which is an effective driver of continuous school improvement focussing on the College’s:

  • Purpose and Direction
  • High quality Learning and Teaching
  • Student Wellbeing and Child Safety
  • Global Citizenship and Intercultural Learning


The 4 CIS drivers for continuous improvement are explored, reviewed, affirmed and/or challenged across 9 key domains:

In support of this process, the CIS Team engaged in a broad range of staff, student and community meetings, along with a number of classroom observations, throughout the course of the week.

The CIS Team was welcomed by the College Leadership Team on Sunday afternoon before they began their work in earnest, supporting us in the pursuit our core purpose, ‘providing a quality education for young men grounded in the Carmelite tradition that emphasises critical thinking, the search for meaning and how to contribute to the common good of society.’