Connections with Our Lady of Sion College

Over a number of years, Whitefriars College have forged a positive relationship with Our Lady of Sion College whereby both schools have combined for a number of learning experiences and celebrations. Two of these collaborations occurred in Term 3.

Year 10 Ballroom Dancing

Over a period of 10 weeks, Year 10 students from Whitefriars and Sion College came together to learn a number of ballroom dances. The classes were held at both schools and Box Hill Town Hall. The classes culminated in a finale at Box Hill Town Hall where students performed a range of dances for their parents and school staff dressed in formal attire.

It was incredible to see the transformation from timid young men staring at the floor and struggling to make any contact with their female partners to reasonably confident young men engaging with their partners and even cracking the occasional smile. There is no doubt that this activity is out of the comfort zone of most of our boys, however, the experience has given them another opportunity to work through challenging situations, make social connections and learn a new skill. On behalf of the Whitefriars community, we would like to thank Our Lady of Sion College for inviting us to part of this wonderful experience and a particular thanks to Adam Riusset from Sion College for his organisation, positive engagement with the students and making the boys feel welcome. We look forward to continuing this great tradition.


RUOK Day Annual Netball Match – Whitefriars V Our Lady of Sion

RUOK Day is a special day for young people and schools as it gives us all an opportunity to remember the importance of checking in with our friends and opening up important conversations. Our Lady of Sion College and Whitefriars College have competed in a netball game, hosted at Sion College a tradition to mark this special day and to continue to foster the relationship between the two schools. A drawn result in 2023 meant that there was much anticipation in the lead up to this match.

Both teams approached the game very seriously, the boys developing a steely resolve on the back of a number of training sessions and inspiring words from our College Captain, Tom Petrowski. With Sion leading by 1 goal and three-quarter time, the game was very evenly poised. Unfortunately for us, the girls proved to be far too polished and claimed victory by 4 goals. After the match, we shared lunch. Thanks to Zac Riddle and Tom Petrowski for their organisation and to Sion College for hosting us.


Mr Mick Lafferty

Deputy Principal – Students