From the Principal : End of Term and CIS Reaccreditation

As Term 2 comes to a close, it is worth reflecting on the many and varied achievements of these past few months – with a view to an aspirational focus on the remainder of the year.

Between OLP camps, NAPLAN testing, Kairos retreats, Year 7 and 8 SPARK, ACC sport and the inevitable finals (Year 7 and 8 Football and Year 8 soccer), examinations, work placements, Sleepy Hollow production rehearsals, tennis and library-driven reading competitions, the GAT and Year 12 Formals, there are always plenty of opportunities for students to engage with. At the end of an 11-week term though, it’s understandable that some students (and staff) appear to be running on adrenaline.

Hopefully all students and staff are able to use the term break to rest, relax and rejuvenate in preparation for the next term of challenges and successes.

When our Year 12s return from the term break to begin Term 3, it will be with the realisation that they only have 12 weeks of classes remaining. Interspersed by a week of trial exams and then capped off by their end of year exams, it might be helpful to reflect over the break on the reality that:

“Success in life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”                        

N D Walsch


CIS Reaccreditation

For the past 18 months, Whitefriars has been working towards its’ reaccreditation with the Council of International Schools (CIS). A comprehensive review of the College’s Self Study process was subsequently focused on our commitment to ‘providing a quality education for young men grounded in the Carmelite tradition that emphasises critical thinking, the search for meaning and how to contribute to the common good of society.’

I’m pleased to advise that Whitefriars College has been awarded CIS Reaccreditation.

The award of CIS accreditation recognises Whitefriars commitment to student well-being and high-quality learning and teaching as well as to global citizenship and intercultural learning.

As the CIS process is utilised as a driver of continuous improvement, we now begin the process of celebrating the Report commendations while at the same time, tackling the recommendations.


Mr Greg Stewart

Acting Principal