Education of a student is not just academic; it is a holistic approach that focuses on the academic, faith, wellbeing, social, physical, intellectual and cultural dimensions. Whitefriars College is a boy’s school that provides students with hope and develops aspiration, as well as knowledge, skills and understanding to see beyond their current view and equip them for a world beyond school.
At Whitefriars College, contemporary learning and boys’ education is underpinned by a Catholic faith community that is committed to teaching and modelling the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the guiding spirit and tradition of the Carmelites. It is imperative that as a Catholic school we interconnect faith, learning, wellbeing and community to offer an experience based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ, academic excellence, and an environment where interpersonal relationships are fostered, valued and celebrated. Diversity of culture and faith is nurtured where every student belongs and feels safe to learn.
Religious Education is the most significant learning area in our faith community in which the teachings of Jesus is central to all aspects of College life. Religious Education classes, liturgy and prayer, retreats, reflection days, community service, immersion experiences and social justice initiatives that support the marginalised are important opportunities that develop the faith and social understanding of our students in the Whitefriars College community.
Student learning at Whitefriars College is developed through positive relationships between staff and students. Boys learn when they feel valued and connected to the teacher and their peers in the classroom. Learning at the college occurs in the classroom, co-curricular and enrichment experiences, and through sharing and praying together during faith experiences, and is often enhanced when the learning experience is co-constructed by the student and his teacher. Student voice and leadership is extremely useful in our boys’ educational setting at Whitefriars as it empowers them to identify, inquire, discuss, construct and present learning.
Whitefriars College offers an inclusive learning experiences that ensures successful implementation of the Melbourne Declaration of Educational Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA 2008)
- Australian schooling promotes equity and excellence
- All young Australians become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens.
Whitefriars College is a school that has a learning focus and expert staff that caters for the different stages of learning for each student. Student excellence – that is for each individual student to do their best – is both promoted, expected and celebrated.
The College creates learning environments that develops learners in a contemporary world so that they are supported, enabled and engaged. Whitefriars College students are connected to local partnerships, global networks and relationships through collaboration, creativity and innovation, communication and critical thinking. The provision of enrichment opportunities to students beyond the classroom through faith experiences, outdoor education and student wellbeing initiatives help make a school a vibrant learning community.
The Whitefriars College education is inspiring, engaging, purposeful, safe and nurturing to allow each boy to achieve personal excellence, confidence and an understanding of the changing world around them. The single gender environment creates opportunities for boys to feel valued and respected in their journey from boy into ‘gentle’ men of integrity. Our boys enjoy rigorous, meaningful and applied learning experiences that are personalised so that their learning excellence is achieved. Whitefriars College have programs that support literacy and numeracy achievement so that students can successfully complete their schooling, and allow opportunities for improved social outcomes of communication, engagement and participation as adults.
Whitefriars offers a wide choice of studies in accordance with the Australian Curriculum, Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), VCE Vocational Major, or the VPC (Victorian Pathways Certificate).
Courses include Religious Education, English, Commerce, Humanities, Information Technology, Languages, Mathematics, Performing Arts, Physical Education, Science, Visual Arts, as well as Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects and an extensive Outdoor Learning Program. Beyond the classroom, students can pursue their interests through individual instrumental tuition, drama and musical productions and many sporting opportunities.
In the growth mindset, people believe that their talents and abilities can be developed through passion, education, and persistence. For them, it’s not about looking smart or grooming their image. It’s about a commitment to learning – taking informed risks and learning from the results, surrounding yourself with people who will challenge you to grow, looking frankly at your deficiencies and seeking to remedy them.
Dweck. (2012). Mindset: How you can fulfil your potential. London: Constable and Robinson