For Senior School (Years 10-12) students at Whitefriars College, each day is filled with a diverse range of activities designed to ensure a successful transition to university, vocational education or work whilst preparing them for adult life.
An extensive range of VCE units is offered from Year 10 which enables students to tailor a course of study to suit their interests, needs and preferred destinations. Students enjoy more flexibility, more specialist teachers and more career support to help them excel. Students have access to a wide range of studies and enrichment activities from all learning areas, all of which make use of the extensive staff expertise and College facilities.
Additionally, students are able to enrol in first year Enhancement Subjects offered by The University of Melbourne, Monash University, LaTrobe University and Deakin University, as well as Vocational Education and Training programs are offered in association with TAFE Institutes. Senior students also can work towards completing the Vocational Major (VM) for those whose needs are not met by the VCE and VET options.
Whitefriars College has a comprehensive careers program, providing students with exposure to varying industries and tertiary institutions, interview experience and resume writing.
Dedicated specialist teachers and excellent facilities provide support, and students have many opportunities to extend themselves to new levels of achievement with specially tailored learning programs such as academic study centre, Elias Tutoring Program, VCE Help classes, study skills programs, masterclasses, excursions and incursions.
Co-curricular activities, such as Kairos Retreat, ACC sport, outdoor education, school musical productions, debating and a range of academic competitions complement the more formal academic program.
Senior students are encouraged to join student committees and participate in leadership roles to increase their personal confidence and improve their organisational and decision-making skills. Student voice is important in improving the learning and wellbeing programs and opportunities at the school, as well as supporting international communities and organisations.