Mitcham Community Meals

The Friars Foodies once again cooked up a delicious meal for the local community of people doing it tough, many homeless or without access to a decent meal. Several staff volunteered their Sunday afternoon and evening to prepare a main course and dessert for about 80 guests. The pressure was on to get the Chicken Cacciatore ready in time but the team kept its cool in the hot kitchen, even though we were sometimes working in the dark when fuses kept tripping! Our appreciation goes to those who were new to it all: Mr Greg Stewart, Mr Brendan Wallis and Mr Will Wood; and the old hands: Ms Jane Molloy and Mr Josh Vujcich. They were ably assisted by some students from Yrs 9 to 11, who also served the meal and the dessert (Sticky Date Pudding with caramel sauce and ice-cream) to the guests at the tables on the night. It was a new experience to literally be of service and gave the boys an opportunity to chat to the guests and make them feel welcome. Thanks go to these boys:
Harry Rawson, Declan O’Farrell, James Dorrat-Sims, Ash White, Gabe Bajan and Thomas Dorrat-Sims.

The Friars Foodies look forward to more opportunities to reach out and make a material difference to peoples’ lives.

Mrs Maria Ciavarella