Old Collegians

The Whitefriars Old Collegians Association was formally incorporated on February 23, 1999.

The Association assists in the continuance and growth of fellowship amongst past students and offers a support structure as the base for a wide variety of activities which help to build the Carmelite community.

Support for individual groups like the Whitefriars Football Club (since 1986) and the Old Whitefriars Cricketers (since 2006) remain strong and new groups based around sport, artistic endeavours and social justice are always welcome.

A detailed strategic plan has been developed for the Association which also lists a number of other goals including promotion of business relationships between Old Collegians, advancement of the College and provision of practical assistance for student transition from secondary to tertiary education or employment.

The Whitefriars Old Collegians Association takes pleasure in inviting past students of the College of all ages to become members and join in this initiative.

If you are a past student, this Association has been formed for you. Come and join with us to help make a vibrant and successful organisation.

We look forward to your involvement.

To update any of your details please email woca@whitefriars.vic.edu.au.

Association Objectives:


  • create opportunities for Old Collegians to feel included in the activities of the College community
  • promote and facilitate year reunions
  • initiate social functions/events as may be considered appropriate
  • cooperate with other College and Carmelite groups as appropriate


  • build the membership base of the Association
  • establish and maintain a directory of services and businesses operated by Old Collegians
  • facilitate and resource special interest groups as may be identified or proposed
  • consolidate and maintain a database of Old Collegians


  • establish mechanisms for sharing information amongst members
  • promote awareness of events and activities
  • distribute a regular newsletter
  • establish page on the College website

Advancement and Welfare

  • provide practical assistance for student transition from secondary to tertiary education or employment (eg. use the business network to provide work experience opportunities for current students)
  • provide a suite of prizes and scholarships for meritorious students at the College
  • render assistance to members or their families who find themselves in distressful circumstances
  • contribute to social justice programs as considered appropriate (eg. youth suicide prevention initiative or involvement with Timor-Leste).


Calling all Whitefriars College Alumni

Introducing an exciting new platform for us to engage and communicate with our esteemed alumni community. Stay updated on the latest alumni news, upcoming events, job opportunities, and browse through a collection of photos from past and present. Engage in discussions, reconnect with old classmates, expand your professional network, and showcase your achievements. This is a fantastic opportunity for us to come together, reconnect, and build an even stronger alumni community. We look forward to reconnecting with each and every one of you!

Please click the below link to register: