Year 9 and 10 Product Design Technologies

Over this last week several Year 9 and 10 Product Design Technologies students have had their work displayed in the library that highlights the work produced in their first task of the semester. Year 9 students are introduced to equipment such as the biscuit joiner, jigsaw, pedastal drill and router in the production of their wooden board. They had the choice to include a design on their board using the laser printer. Joining techniques, wood choices, shape designs, scrapping, sanding and finishing were among the aspects covered in this first task that then prepares them for designing and producing a small stool as their second task.

Year 10 students designed and produced a small box to suit their intended individual purpose, using limiting wood constraints. Students were instructed in the use of the small drop saw, various join and lid options, as well as more complex designing options. This work leads into task 2 – the design of a small furniture piece.

Roslyn Leach

Learning Leader – Visual Arts