Reading Millions 2024

The annual and very popular Read a Million House Challenge has concluded after 5 months, and during Book Week we have celebrated many reading achievements.  Time read was tracked using the Beanstack software, where motivating digital badges were earned along the journey. There was also an opportunity to earn bonus time by entering fun bonus time badge competitions.

Congratulations to all participants who collectively read a mega 16 million seconds plus!

A special mention to our readers who were winners and placegetters:

  • Overall House award trophy – Students – Corsini
  • Overall House award trophy – Combined Staff and Students – Avila
  • Overall Student winner – Harry Rodman, Year 9
  • Year 7 English Class with the most time read: 7F (Ms Dunne)
  • Year 12: Jonathan Clark
  • Year 11: James Dorrat-Sims
  • Year 10: Lucas Masciulli
  • Year 9: Ben Chincarini
  • Year 8: Toby Keodouangphachanh
  • Year 7: Matthew Lanigan

Kudos to the year 7 students who clocked up the most time read in their Y

ear 7 House group:

Avila: Isaac Wursthorn
Brandsma: Oscar Marshall
Corsini: Matthew Lanigan
Stein: Luca Dall’Oste
Lisieux: Peter Falaras
Mantua: Jayden van Wyk
Soreth: Myles Boyle
Trinity: Riley Scott

Well done to the Houses which achieved over 1 million seconds and to those readers who achieved their personal best.

Want to know more: Read a Million 2024 results


Ms Jenny Corbin

Learning Leader – Library