Shortis Library Update

Read a Million

With the 2024 Read a Million House Challenge now in full swing, we see Corsini currently leading the verified student tally with Stein and Avila not far away.  The competition started on April 1 and runs through to September 1 2024…many months of reading time.  Students and staff utilise the Beanstack program clock to track reading minutes and have been experiencing stories across a range of formats (print books, ebooks, audiobooks).  Peer recommendations have been a popular occurrence in the Shortis Library during book share chats, and students are embracing the fun bonus activities where they can earn 30 minutes extra time, the first one being about Sci Fi books. Congratulations to Evan Yee, Year 7, for the first bonus time winning entry.

All the info about registering, participation, completing reading logs and verifying books, ….is in the Read a Million Guide.


Star Wars Day

A celebration of Revenge of the Sith happened recently in the Shortis Library with a very competitive lunchtime quiz. Congratulations to the winning team of year 7s:

  • Thomas Borysiewicz
  • Liam Borysiewicz
  • Joseph Natoli


Creative Pursuits in the Shortis Library

The new Library Podcast studio is now up and running with groups of students and staff using the resources to record podcasts as part of curriculum assessments and to support revision. In the first one that is available on the new FriarsCast Podcast channel. Mr Wight, Ms Vandervelde and Mr Read chat with the English Captain Josh Sarlos about the Yr 12 set text play Rainbow’s End.

A number of students have been exercising their problem-solving skills, using a trial-and-error approach and CAD design software, to create fun 3D pieces in the Shortis Library.

For more information on multimedia resources in the library, students can contact Ms Sam Redman, Library Technician – Multimedia Specialist

Jenny Corbin

Learning Leader – Library