Visual Arts at Whitefriars

On Wednesday 15 May, Whitefriars College joined with 12 other ACC schools to showcase Art and Technology 2024. This exhibition was held at Federation Square in the Atrium and The Edge and was open to the public for a week. It featured over 250 works by students across all year levels, showcasing the talent and creativity of our students across the various schools. Congratulations to our chosen students that had their work displayed at this amazing and highly acclaimed venue. It is a real honour to recognise the students listed below. Another highlight to this evening was the speech made by Phil Deane our Visual Arts Captain, who spoke of his journey and encouragement to anyone who has a passion for the Arts and to take advantage of the opportunities that Whitefriars Offers. His speech is below:


Good evening everyone, I’m Phillip Deane the Visual Arts Captain of Whitefriars College.

I hope today’s ACC exhibition has conjured some excitement and inspiration, whether it has been a particular artwork that has sparked your imagination or an appreciation for the talent of the students and the exhibition as a whole, I think we can all be excited and encouraged. I believe encouragement is the greatest value that the ACC embodies through events like this exhibition.

Encouragement is a gift that we all remember.

And as a Whitefriars student I know it is at the heart of our ethos to nurture gentlemen, it is a quality that we all notice in those we admire and those who have made the greatest impression in our lives.

If I could summarise my experience of the visual arts at Whitefriars in one word, it is opportunity. From my first year at the college, I have had the opportunity to participate in Art After school classes, multiple competitions and initiatives such as Shared Stories and now in year 12, a leadership position as the college Visual Arts Captain.

Whitefriars has instilled a belief in my abilities and aspirations for my art. I will never forget my first year at Whitefriars, my teacher informed us that the best drawings in the class would be submitted to Shared Stories and be published in a book at the end of the year. To this day I still remind my Mum that I am a published artist.

I’m sure there are many proud parents here tonight and we can all appreciate the ACC’s efforts in exhibiting our artworks in such an impressive venue and professional manner. As a student, I am heartened by this experience and motivated by the possibilities it presents.

Last year, I had the opportunity to travel on pilgrimage to Portugal for World Youth Day. Encouraged by my VCE Art teacher I kept record of my experiences through a sketchbook. Every spare moment I had, whether it was on a bus passing through a foreign landscape or at the end of my day, I captured my journey with my tin of coloured pencils. Like the words in a journal, my sketches satisfied my desire to pronounce my thoughts and mark them on paper. My passion is painting, and it is a tool I have used to express and treasure my memories and experiences. When I was 15, I had the privilege to do my first commissioned painting for my primary school PE teacher. And in fact, my pilgrimage to World Youth Day was funded through the sale of several paintings. For me, creating a meaningful painting for some-one is the most rewarding feeling. I hope I will always continue honing my skills and producing more paintings. I am mindful and grateful that there have been so many important people throughout my life that have encouraged me to pursue my interests in art. So as a Whitefriars student and a member of the ACC community I hope to be a man of encouragement.

Roslyn Leach

Visual Arts Learning Leader