Whitefriars provides a number of specialised student services within the College.
Transition Program
The Whitefriars College Transition team implement programs that support students spiritually, academically, physically, culturally and socially, during the significant transition from traditionally primary to secondary school but also between different Year levels. Transition is led by the Deputy Principal – Students, with the support of other relevant staff. Transition at Whitefriars extends into the classroom as students learn the Carmelite way as they begin their journey as Whitefriars students. For more information specific to Year 7 transition visit the link below.
Careers and Pathways
The College has a dedicated Pathways Team comprising of the Director – Senior Years, Careers Counsellor, Vocational Education Leader, as well as the Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching, and Deputy Principal – Students. This team supports and guides student wellbeing and learning, so that each individual has a personalised program at Years 10, 11 and 12.
The Careers Counsellor and VET/Pathways Coordinator provide career advice and course information and are available to advise students on matters associated with subject selection, requirements for apprenticeships, University or TAFE, tertiary course information and employment opportunities. Located in the Kierce Centre, our resourced Careers area provides a comprehensive range of information and services in careers and courses. The VET/Pathways Coordinator also manages the College’s work experience program at Year 10.
College Psychologists
The psychologists at Whitefriars provide individual student counselling and are registered with the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA). Students can either self-refer for counselling, or be referred by their House Leader or parents/carers. Where appropriate, the college psychologists work closely with parents/carers, external health professionals, pastoral staff and teachers to maximize student wellbeing. Counselling sessions are confidential and parental consent is not required provided the student is deemed capable of providing informed consent. The limits to confidentiality are explained to students in their first counselling session, which includes circumstances where there is a clear risk of harm. To ensure students’ needs are optimally met, a referral to a relevant external professional for further assessment and/or intervention may be made. The psychologists also administer cognitive assessments for the purpose of VCE special provisions applications. Depending on need, the psychologists also run small group programs and present to student groups, staff and parents on wellbeing related topics.
Health Care Centre
In the event of injury or illness students are directed to report to the First Aid room in the Cameron Centre for treatment. They will be promptly attended to and recorded by the First Aid Officer. Parents are informed immediately where necessary, and where it is impractical to communicate, the First Aid Officer (or College staff where the First Aid Officer is unavailable) will authorise the student to receive such medical or surgical treatment as may be deemed necessary in an emergency, or the arrangement of an ambulance when required.