Whitefriars Parents’ Association – Mark Murphy

Late October, we gathered for the Annual General Meeting of the Whitefriars Parents Association. This dedicated, community minded, generous and warm group of people have one aim : to provide opportunities for our community to connect with each other through a variety of events and opportunities. This year our WPA have presented some of the most enjoyable and upifting events in support of this aim. From our Trivia and Comedy nights to their support with House Gathering Masses, Mother’s and Father’s day Breakfast amongst many other things. The WPA are a constant presence in our school bringing with them a wonderful sense of hospitality and positivity.

At our AGM the association elected new office bearers to a variety of roles and I would like to congratulate the following people who will be supporting our WPA in 2023 in specific leadership positions.

President – Paul Virgona
Vice President – Sharon Wolff
Treasurer – Ad Wolst
Secretary – Brian Lane

I would also like to thank the outgoing office bearers for their generous support of the association this year.

President – Mark Trajcevski
Vice President – Paul Virgona
Treasurer – Brian Lane
Secretary – Ildi Ciocca

I also wish to thank all the members of the committee this year who have been a constant source of support to our community

  • Marjike Daniels
  • Kate Coombs
  • Ildi Ciocca
  • Vince CioccaC
  • Caroline Athey
  • Jacqui Dennis
  • Zarah Boyd
  • Joanna Chen
  • Marjie King
  • Janet Pushenjak

As we know these groups require skilled and dedicated leaders who take on a broader responsibility in support of our College and our community. I would like to thank Mark Trajcevski who for the past two years as President of the WPA has led this group with great dignity, sensitivity and care. Whitefriars has been blessed to have someone as of Mark’s experience and generosity leading this incredible group of people over this time. On behalf of Whitefriars, I would like to thank Mark and the entire team for their support and selfless generosity of spirit and I look forward to another exciting year of events and initiatives form the WPA in 2024.


Mr Mark Murphy
