Year 7 Religious Education ‘Care for Creation’ project

The Care for Creation Café was opened for the Year 7s this week. The students celebrated their initial efforts in Term 2, where they made a recycled newspaper pot and planted a seed (lettuce, silver beet, nasturtium and parsley, marigolds and spring onions.) The seed was then watered and placed by the window in the classroom. During lockdown the seedlings were taken home to be cared for and then planted in the College garden in August. Due to La Nina weather pattern, the seedlings have flourished in the garden. The students were able to harvest their veggies, create a salad with olive oil and lemon juice and enjoy with a sausage in bread with their group. As Sebastian (7 Stein) stated “It was a good experience to see our plants that we had planted at the start of the year and see how they have grown, then we got to harvest and eat our plants that we had planted, and everyone seemed to have a good time”. The leftover veggies were offered to staff who wish to thank the boys for their amazing effort!

Ms Jo Menzies

SET Facilitator